Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Edible Aquifers

For the students to get a better idea in their mind of what an aquifer REALLY looks like, we made edible aquifers today in class.  This activity was great, the kids seemed to really get what we were making and without all your donations, it wouldn't have been possible, so THANK YOU!  We also had some pollution running through our aquifers and discussed how we could possibly prevent pollution in our drinking water and/or conserve our aquifer's water.  Great day in class.

The questions below needed to be answered in order to receive full credit for the activity.

1. What observations/results surprised you? What did not?
2. How did results compare among different aquifers? (Even if all students used the same option in Step 3,
each aquifer will be somewhat different.)
3. What parts of the activity were most/least like what would happen with a real aquifer? Why?
4. What happens if all of the water is pumped out of an aquifer? Where does more ground water come from?
How long do you think it would take? Is there always more ground water, or could we run out?
5. Do you think a contaminated aquifer can be cleaned? If so, how?
6. How can we conserve (save) ground water? What specifically can kids do?
7. How can we protect ground water (keep it clean)? What specifically can kids do?

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