Friday, March 7, 2014

Week in Review

We spent the week wrapping up our spaghetti tower challenge - we will be testing the structures on Monday, March 10th.   Each group will be evaluated on Monday based on the rubric passed out last week. 

In addition to the project we also completed Reading Worksheet 2.2.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A Visit From Our School Counselor

Today in class our school counselor, Mr. Trackwell came and visited.  He was here introducing the idea of high school registration!  Speaking of which, March 12th 6 pm at PFHS in the Commons, parents are invited to go learn about registration.  But, back to my class.  He will be back tomorrow and the students will create a 4 year plan for high school.  In our spare time, we worked on structures!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Spaghetti Towers Project Continues....

Another day of building here in Room 106.  I see some great thinking and planning going on.  It will be great to see those walls upright and standing!  We will have a few interruptions the next two days getting ready for registering for high school. Keep building and stay tuned for new pictures posted!

Photos of project