Friday, November 8, 2013


Today we watched a movie over atoms and answered questions based on the video.  If you are absent, you will need to watch that and/or find the answers on the internet.  We also worked on familiarizing ourselves with the periodic table by answering questions using the periodic table we colored and the one in our agendas.  Both papers were due at the end of class.  All grading will also be completed over the weekend, so make sure you have everything in this week!

Periodic Table Activity

Video Questions

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Periodic Table of Elements

Today in class we reviewed the Periodic Table of Elements and how to read it.  Groups are in columns, Periods are in rows.  We also discussed how to read each each box on the Periodic Table and how to identify atomic number, atomic mass (or weight), protons, electrons and neutrons.  All of those clues are on the periodic table paper I handed out today in class.  There is a video to watch on Brainpop.  You will need to sign in to view it.  User ID: rachaelkt  Password: Donorschoose

Below are the links to what we did:

Brainpop: Periodic Table of Elements

Periodic Table of Elements worksheet:  Please color like the Periodic Table in the back of your agenda
pg. R-7

Tomorrow:  If you are signed up for REMIND101, you get CANDY!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

States of Matter

Ok, today I was out and totally forgot to post!  It's a little late.  I will also have to add a paper tomorrow when I'm back at school so check back for that.  Today in class we read about the states of matter and compared and contrasted them using a Venn Diagram. We then worked on a crossword after completing the reading worksheet.  Below are two of the three things needed for today's class. Also, if you haven't signed up for Remind101 yet, get that done! Treats Friday for those that have!  I have a page to the left that tells you how to sign up.

Reading Scienceasaurus 253-254

Scienceasaurus Reading worksheet

States of Matter Crossword

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

States of Matter Review

Today in class we reviewed the states of matter once again after viewing the following video: States of Matter we completed the following worksheet. Video Worksheet: States of Matter  We also finished up the vocabulary from yesterday which is located on yesterday's post.  

1st Quarter Winners for Science Student Of The Quarter

Every quarter I select 10 students who are performing well in class.  Each winner receives a Certificate of Awesomeness, candy and a $10.00 gift card to Noodles Express!  Congratulations on being AWESOME!

1st Period:  Devin Eckness, Josie Booth, Bayley Brennan
2nd Period:  Dakota Stevens, Alessio Lemmon
4th Period:  Bailey Massender
5th Period:  Chase Cripps, Ashley Ball
6th Period:  Shawn Hodgson, Caitlyn Streeter

Once again congratulations and thanks for working so hard!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Intro to Chemistry...

Today we reviewed the States of Matter.  Solids, liquids and gasses.  We viewed a Prezi over it, watched a Brainpop movie and then did some vocabulary.  All three things are available below.

Note:  If you need to view a Brainpop Video either for science or ANY subject feel free to use my userid and password!
userid: rachaelkt  password: donorschoose

States of Matter Prezi

BrainPop Video: States of Matter

Chemistry Vocabulary 11/4/13