Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween and Last Day of the Quarter

Congratulations on making through the 1st quarter of your 8th grade year.  Be safe tonight and this weekend and we will see you back next week when we will be starting on Chemistry.  Just a little chemistry to help understand Earth Science better.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

IPad Funding Opportunity

Check the Funding Opportunity Link for more info!  Share the link with your friends via email and Facebook!  Any donations are TREMENDOUSLY appreciated!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Helicopter Lab and Conclusions

First of all, the students are doing amazing studying for their conclusion quizzes and getting A's!  Remember students will continue to take the conclusion quiz until they "master" it by getting an A.  I have all the review materials on my blog for students to access to study. 

For the rest of the week we will be designing paper "helicopters" - students will work in teams to design helicopters using 3x5 index cards.  On Thursday, students will enter their helicopters into four competitions - slowest descent, fastest descent, most accurate, and farthest lateral distance.

You can access the link to the lab paperwork by clicking here!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Conclusions...Labs and More

It's been a few days since I have posted.  I as well as a few colleagues were lucky enough to attend the NSTA conference in Portland thanks to the PTSA.  Today we finished up our gum lab and the data that went along with it.  We also took the conclusion quiz over for anyone with a B or below.  We are working towards mastery with the concept so students will continue to take the quiz all week or until mastery, whatever comes first.  This week, we have great review lessons using the scientific method and applying it to engineering helicopters.  On Thursday, anyone with a C or above will get to watch a movie and others will work on make-up work.  End of the quarter is Friday and NO SCHOOL FRIDAY!