Thursday, March 13, 2014

Test Tomorrow!

Today and yesterday we worked on determining the epicenter of earthquakes using triangulation.  The packet is below.  It isn't an easy concept so if you were gone, I suggest you look on Youtube for videos that discuss this to help you at home and when at school, ask ME!  Quiz tomorrow, study sheets were passed out today in class along with a Mercalli/Richter scale assignment.  I will have to post that in the morning, I forgot!
Epicenter Triangulation Worksheets

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Earthquakes Review

It's a review day in class today.  We are reviewing earthquakes and will have a test on Friday! I expect people to study and do well on it so they get a great grade for the quarter.  Did you know there is only 10 days left in the quarter?  The questions are below for the Chapter review.

Expectations:  #1-4 define all words
                      #5-20 all
                      # 24
                      B 73 1-8
                      Short answer:  Describe how energy and density play a role in earthquakes.

Earthquakes Chapter Review

Monday, March 10, 2014

Megaquake: Cascadia

We decided to pull the plug on the Spaghetti project.  It was on life support and not looking good.  So, we have moved on in our lives.  Today we watched the video below and during the video, we were to cite evidence that supports the theory of megaquakes happening in the past as well as in the future.  

We do have an earthquakes quiz on Friday!

Megaquake Video