Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Science Books Have Been Cracked.....

Today we began using our science textbooks. We started learning about plate tectonics.  We read Unit B Section 1.1 (pages B9-B13).  We also watched the BrainPop movie: Plate Tectonics.  Remember you can use my login and password to access BrainPop at any time to watch videos.  The login: rachaelkt password: donorschoose  Also, just a reminder with textbooks, I don't check one out to each individual student for them to take home.  If you need to borrow one, you can check one out as needed and return when done with it.  After reading and the video, we completed the vocabulary on B9 (seven words) and the questions on B13  #1-6.  Those were turned in during class or students complete at home.

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