Monday, December 2, 2013

Energy: Potential and Kinetic

In class today we discussed energy, the ability to do work.  Energy can be divided into two categories.
Potential energy, stored energy based on position.  Kinetic energy, the energy of movement.  You can view the Prezi that has more specific information about energy below and access the worksheet as well.  It is due tomorrow first thing and we will go over it in class.  Also, on Thursday we will creating Balloon RaceCars.  You must bring in your supplies and all cars will be created in class that day.  Prizes will be awarded for fastest car, best looking car and the car that travels the greatest distance.  So, start getting those creative juices flowing, I want to see some awesome cars!

Energy Presentation

Potential Kinetic Energy Worksheet

Balloon Race Cars Instructions/Rubric

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