Monday, October 7, 2013

Wood Density Lab

           Today we went over how to complete a Scientific Investigative Plan properly.  All formatting issues and/or definitions are in parenthesis for your use.  We also learned how to fill out our data table in order to record our data accurately.  The first column of the data table is reserved for your independent variable and all the others are reserved for your dependent variables.  In today's and tomorrow's investigation we will be testing the question "How does the volume of the wood affect the density?"  once complete, we will graph our data and write conclusions based on them so stay tuned!  

Below is a link to the Investigative Plan used in class today and a link for the homework handed out.

* If you are struggling with variables, you can watch the Variables Song located to the left under the Videos tab.  

Data Table Blank

Wood Density Lab-Investigative Plan


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