Friday, June 6, 2014

Farewell 8th Graders

It's been a pleasure to teach all of you and get to know you as young adults.  I wish you luck in high school and beyond.  Take care, be safe and make wise choices.  Enjoy your summer.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Study Guides!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We began working on our year end study guide.  It's huge!  10 pages total reviewing the whole school year's worth of science.  The study guide will be collected daily until Wednesday so students can study from it for their finals.  The Finals schedule is as follows:  Thursday, Periods 1,3, 5 have finals.  Friday, Periods 2, 4, 6. 

Once again students, the study guide is worth 200 points.  The final is worth 300 points.  You will also be graded on your growth from the pre-test that we took at the beginning of the year to this post-test.  So, work hard, study hard!  Have a great last week in 8th grade!

Study Guide For Final

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Science Textbooks/Cruise

If you see any textbooks looking like this one, bring it back!  I need it!  Those of you who checked out textbooks and haven't returned them will be fine $60.00.  Thank you!

Also, tomorrow is the Annual 8th Grade Cruise on Coeurd'Alene Lake!  Those of you who have earned the priviledege will have an amazing time as well as get to eat some pizza and drink some soda too!  It'll be sunny, plan accordingly like SUNSCREEN!

See you on the BOAT tomorrow!!

Constellation Projects

The project due date has come and gone.  There were a few great projects.  See the amazingly perfect project about Libra below!  Nice job to the student who put in a ton of effort and it shows!  All late work is due by tomorrow!  Study guides come out on Monday and we will work on them in class for three days.  Finals are next Thursday for periods 1, 3 and 5 and Friday for periods 2, 4 and 6.  Study hard.  Grades for the final are based on two factors.  One, the actual score on the final and measurable growth from the students pre-test score from the fall to their post-test scores.  It's a great way to see how much all have learned over the school year here in Earth Science.  Work hard these last 6 days!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Classroom Planetarium

Today was the day we inflated the planetarium and sat under the stars in the middle of the day!  Once sitting in there for awhile and taking it all in, the students tried to identify what constellations they were actually looking at.  The top class gets some sort of prize.  Whatever I can afford. :)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Constellation Projects

Alright people, the end of the year is close so that can only mean one thing!  Constellation projects!  We will be researching constellations, the myths and cultures affiliated with them and then write our own myths about our constellations.  Once complete, we will then build a planetarium and paint the constellations and be able to fit a whole class in the planetarium to view our constellations in the dark.  Below is the paperwork that goes along with the project.  

Constellation Project Details